Oct 11, 2012

there was snow in the realm of the shadowflower

"Oooh! Let's go out for a nature walk to the park with my dog with only a sweater and take a few nice pictures, it's only snowing a little bit."

It started snowing harder, and harder, and harder, and then MUCH HARDER.
I arrived home with my hair completely soaked, my hands numb and my eyelashes dripping.
It was glorious.
With a little hot chocolate, I survived. I'm a Finnish Canadian after all. 
I hope you've survived yet another post about the weather.
I'll be back for halloween!


  1. It snowed here yesterday. And I'm drinking hot chocolate right now. And I'm German Danish Canadian. And your dog is lovely. And I love how you call {You}topia a morgue. =D


  2. Jealous!!! I can't wait for it to snow where I am!!!

  3. oh my gosh. i love you. today's snow was the BEST. i broke out the christmas music and everything.

  4. You are so lucky! It's not snowing here yet. Instead it seems to be getting warmer!
